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Natchanon Chalermsan
Paramaporn Weeraphan


The purpose of the research article was 1) to study legal problems related to the supervision of fortunetelling services in Thailand, 2) to study the legal measures for the supervision of fortunetelling services in foreign countries, and 3) to propose guidelines for solving problems and suggesting guidelines for solving problems controlling fortunetelling services in Thailand with documentary research by researching and collecting information from books, the Internet, as well as thesis that study concepts and literature related to legal measures for the supervision of fortunetelling services. Use content analysis. The results showed that legal problems for fortunetelling services in Thailand consist of problems in determining the legal relationship between fortunetelling service providers and fortunetelling service recipients. Criminal Liability Issues of fortunetelling providers and the problem of remedies from receiving fortunetelling services. At the same time, when studying the legal measures to supervise the service of fortune-telling abroad It was found that the relationship of the fortune-teller service provider and the fortune-telling service provider was clearly established to control the safety of the fortune-telling service recipient. And there are also guidelines for solving the criminal liability of fortune-telling service providers. For example, penalties for unlicensed fortunetelling services have been imposed as criminal offenses. and methods of remedying the damage of fortunetelling service recipients. Therefore, to be able to systematically control measures to provide fortunetelling services, there should be legal measures to control, supervise and promote to protect the rights of people in society.

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How to Cite
Chalermsan, N. ., & Weeraphan, P. . (2022). LEGAL MEASURES DESIGNED TO CONTROL FORTUNETELLING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 106–119. retrieved from
Research Articles


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