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Phrapalad Nikhom katapanyo
Phrapalad Raphin Phutthisaro


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the general condition of model youth development. 2) To study the model youth development process morality and ethics; and 3) to present a model of youth development model. morality It is an integrated research method. There is a scope of content, including the content of training courses. in organizing training activities the use of teaching media in training Principles of 4M administration and trisikkha, morality, concentration, and wisdom. The sample group consisted of 283 youths who attended the Dharma practice in the Dharma Practice Office. The key information was the head of the Dharma Practice Office, Phra Wittayakorn, Director of the Office of Buddhism, totaling 18 figures/person. The tool used was a questionnaire/ interview The questionnaire reliability was 0.97. The data were analyzed by using basic statistics such as mean, standard deviation. morality The content of the training course Children and youth lack training to teach them knowledge. understanding of the principles In terms of organizing activities, it is the process of organizing activities suitable for the age of the trainees. Focus on children and youth Moral training activities aimed at developing physical, behavioral, mental, and intellectual use of teaching media in training. Teaching media is an intermediary between the teachers and the training participants. 2. The results of the analysis of the model youth development process. morality Overall, the overall level was at a high level, in descending order, namely, training activities. The content of the training course and the use of teaching media in training. 3. To present a model of youth development model Moral and ethical aspects are filial piety. happy with principles Prayer activity There are training materials made from computer programs, still images.

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How to Cite
katapanyo, P. N. ., Phrasutivirabandit, & Phutthisaro, P. R. . (2022). [Retracted Article] DEVELOPMENT PROTOTYPE FOR YOUTH OF MORALITY AND ETHICS TRAINING OF SANGHA URATTHANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 57–72. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/263793
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