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Phrakrunekkhammadhamathan (Manoon Cãruvanฺnฺo, Ruttanapong)
Pharmaha Dilokrassme Vutiya
Phrakhrusamuditthaphum Inthachat


Guidelines for the development of competence in the management of Sangha affairs according to the Buddhist principles of the abbot It focuses on developing competencies or potential for managing an organization to its fullest potential by using strategies, Buddhist principles, and skills to effectively develop existing competencies in three areas as follows: training, education, and development that can enable the organization to achieve its goals and the use of mercy in the administration and development of temples, The Buddhist moral code used is the Four sublime states of mind 1) loving-kindness: love, goodwill towards monks, novices, people, and Buddhism 2) compassion: benevolent, helping others to get out of suffering, 3) sympathetic joy: having a gentle mind, willing to help and support monks, novices and people in moderation. 4) equanimity: fair, upright, able to trust neutral. To have a role in the community or help to promote the community in all aspects, as well as promoting, supporting and using organizational management skills. Allowing the community to take part in the care of religious sites and management of the clergy. The Buddhist moral code used is the Four Foundations for Accomplishment consist of 1) Passion, satisfaction, and willingness to perform the duties of the abbot 2) Diligence, there is continuous effort, daring to face all obstacles. 3) Mind or Consciousness, have a determined mind to concentrate on performing duties. 4) Investigation, wise and contemplative, reviewing the performance of one's duties correctly It has good efficiency according to the teachings of Buddhism in a systematic way according to the principles of the Dharma and Discipline. for the maximum benefit of human development society and the nation in the future.

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How to Cite
(Manoon Cãruvanฺnฺo, Ruttanapong) P. ., Vutiya, P. D. ., & Inthachat, P. . (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF SANGHA AFFAIRS ACCORDING TO THE BUDDHIST PRINTCIPLES OF THE ABBOT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 29–42. retrieved from
Academic Article


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