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The objectives of this research article were to: 1) Study the leadership competencies of mayor and the administration effectiveness of subdistrict municipalities in Chaiyaphum Province; 2) Analysis of the mayor's leadership competencies affecting the effectiveness of administration; and 3) Propose guidelines to increase management effectiveness It is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The population groups are Personnel of Sub-District Municipality in Chaiyaphum Province A quantitative research sample of 400 people’s and the research instrument was the questionnaire. The sample group for qualitative research was the 20 personnel, and the research instrument was the in-depth interview form. The data analysis statistics were the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis, and correlation analysis The results showed that: 1) the leadership competencies of mayor of subdistrict municipalities in Chaiyaphum Province found the overall was at high level; the descending mean were the aspect of adherence to principles, dedication, devoted, and virtuous; the aspect of tact and intuition in solving various situations; the aspect of ability to persuasion or influence others; the aspect of ability to be flexible and emotionally adaptable; the aspects of motivation and internal motivation; the aspect of knowing and truly understanding oneself; and the aspect of ability to manage relationships with others, respectively; and the administration effectiveness of subdistrict municipalities in Chaiyaphum Province found the overall was at high level; 2) the leadership competencies in the aspect of ability to be flexible and emotionally adaptable, the aspects of motivation and internal motivation versus the transformational leadership in the aspect of intellectual stimulation affected to the administration effectiveness of subdistrict municipalities in Chaiyaphum Province at statistical significance level .05; and 3) the leadership competencies should bring the flexibility, motivation, and internal motivation to be persuasive and to stimulate wisdom for further development, and increase the administration effectiveness of subdistrict municipalities or local administrative organizations.
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