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Objectives of this study were to analyze the potential of elderly mental health care in Bandoo sub-district, Muang district, Chiang Rai. Samples were 3 groups: 1) Executive and subdivision chief of Bandoo sub-district municipality and 2) Community leaders and 3) Elderly in Bandoo sub-district, sixty-two totally. They were selected by purposive sampling. The data were collected by structured Interviews and focus group. Then, the data were content analysis. The results showed the potential of elderly mental health care in Bandoo sub-district, Muang district, Chiang Rai as follow: 1) Personal capability also maintains a way of wisdom through tradition and spiritual therapy to promote mental health and there are groups to do activities in the community to promote physical and mental health. 2) Physical environments are beautiful resources naturally in the area which can be recreational area and organize activities. 3) The existence of cultural traditions affects the beliefs and faiths that have been practiced for generations. Therefore, it is as a community relationship which considered as mental health support. 4) Community network and 5) Local government policy focus on the participation of all parties as a cooperation network in the community to form a variety of activities in accordance with the community socio – cultural context and elderly needs including the community, local school, temple, sub-district municipality and the sub-district health promotion hospital. All these potentials are important for the elderly in the community to support healthy mental based on self-reliant by using the community's potential for sustainable community.
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