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This research article aims to examine measures to prevent and reduce the issue of prostitution in Thailand and abroad. Including comparative analysis of the law on how it contributes protection and rights to the prostitutes. As a means to present solutions to restrict and diminish prostitution problem in Thailand effectively. The results of the study indicated that prostitution in Thailand has long been considered as an illegal occupation. Although in Thailand, there are many laws that handle with the problem of prostitution, including Criminal Code and Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act B.E.2539. It appeared that such laws still contain significant problems that resulted in the inability to regulate prostitution. Furthermore, Thailand does not have provisions to protect prostitutes which led to prostitutes often being exploited by influential groups. In addition, there are no measures to prevent and reduce the problem of prostitution in Thailand. As a result, prostitution in Thailand is not being regulated or protected properly and causing negative effects in the enforcement of the law. Henceforth, the researcher proposed a guideline to rectify Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act B.E.2539 and other appropriate measures that are capable of preventing and lessen prostitution problems in Thailand. Moreover, the law on the protection and supervision of prostitutes has been corrected under the guidance and for prostitution to remain under control. In order to grant an ability for Thailand the protection of society from problems and the effects of prostitution. Additionally, to provide the ability to protect prostitutes in a proper and appropriate manner.
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