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This research aimed to 1) create a package of stress management activities for adolescents and 2) to compare the average score of stress management abilities of adolescents being treated and untreated with a package of stress management activities. The sample, recruited by means of multi-stage sampling, consisted of 60 Grade 9 students (Mathayomsuksa 3) under the auspices of Secondary Education Service Area Office 35, Lampang Province. The experimental and control groups had 30 students each. The research tools were 1) stress’ factors questionnaire, 2) stress management activities, 3) behavioral observation form, and 4) stress management ability test was comfirmed with 0.912 realiability. The statistics for data analysis comprised mean, standard deviation, percentage and t-test. Research results could then be summarized as follows. 1. A package of stress management activities was developed on the basis of examination of adolescent stress factors as well as analysis and synthesis of knowledge from documents, textbooks and research related to adolescent stress management. Those activities covered the following areas: 1) preparatory activities 2) educational stress management activities, 3) interpersonal stress management activities, 4) personality stress management activities, 5) economic stress management activities, 6) environmental stress management activities, and 7) self-evaluation and review activities. 2. The average score of adolescents’ stress management abilities were compared revealing that those being treated with a package of stress management activities had higher stress management ability scores in comparison to pre-treatment period. ( =3.83 SD=0.21). Moreover, they also had higher scores than their untreated counterparts at a statistical significance level of .01.
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