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The objectives of this study were: 1) to examine culture inheritance on outdoor performance of Isan people, 2) to investigate factors affecting culture inheritance related to outdoor performance of Isan people, 3) to compare culture inheritance on outdoor performance of Isan people.The research methodology was mixed method. The population of the study consisted of 384 people living in Khon Kean, Mahasarakham, Chiyapoom, and Kalasin, 96 people per province. The 26 persons who had role and function related to Isan culture were interviewed by analyzing conclusive data. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The results revealed that 1) level of culture inheritance on outdoor performance of Isan people as a whole were at very much level. When considering each aspect, all of them were at very much level and could be organized respectively by mean from high to low included religious and belief, network, economic, education, community relation, geographic, and history. 2) The comparison of culture inheritance on outdoor performance of Isan people as classified by personal data showed that people with different gender, age, marital status, and occupation had no difference. However, people with different domicile and status in the area showed difference in culture inheritance on outdoor performance with statistically significance of .05. 3) It suggested that government and local government should promote the importance of outdoor performance culture, create awareness to be pride, promote conservation and preservation of outdoor performance culture, praise honor and award.
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