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The objectives of this research article were to pregnancy behavior and self-care behaviors of adolescent pregnant teenagers before and after using a health promotion program. This is quasi-experimental research with a One group Pre-Posttest design. The sample by purposive sampling 30 people consisted of adolescent pregnant teenagers aged under 20 years continuing until the expected date of delivery who attended the antenatal care clinic at Danmakhamtia hospital, Kanchanaburi Province. The research instruments consisted of health promotion programs, knowledge assessment about behavior during pregnancy (KR-20 = 0.71), and self-care behaviors of pregnant teenagers (Cronbach's alpha coefficient = .74) The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results showed that the knowledge score of pregnant teenagers after receiving The Health Promotion Program in post-test (M = 13.40, SD = 1.42) than pre - test (M = 14.90, SD = 0.30) at. 00 (t = -6.04, p<.000, df = 29) of significantly and self-care behavior scores of adolescent pregnant women post-test (M = 2.40, SD =0.20) than pre-test (M = 2.81, SD = 0.07) at (t = -9.98, p<.000, df = 29) of significantly as well. The findings of this research found that the knowledge and self-care behaviors scores of pregnant teenagers after receiving The Health Promotion Programs were higher than before the experiment. Therefore, the use of Health Promotion Programs should be promoted. To increase knowledge and self-care behaviors of pregnant teenagers and use this program as a guideline for further development of health promotion programs for other groups.
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