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Gomes Kwanmuang
Phrakhrudhammathorn Sathaphorn Pabhassaro
Phrakhruwinaithon Suriya Suriyo (Kongkawai)
Prasert Limprasert


This article is a presentation on the   constitutionalism with dynamics of Thai domination that according to Thai political revolution since 2475 B.E. from absolute monarchy by sovereign to rule the country and then, the transition to a democratic regime with the King as Head of State. By the way, the monarch has limited royal powers and constitutional monarchy. The adoption of constitutionalism to change the regime to a democratic regime is compared as the constitution is like a key that opens the door for the people to have a voice in the governance, arranged according to their needs and enter the comfortable land which everyone desires is exuberance. The constitution of Thailand in the early days clearly arose from the concept of constitutionalism by limiting the powers of totalitarianism for protecting human liberty and rights. According to constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 2475 B.E. the first permanent had written constitution. This constitution stipulates the principles of governance concept about "Government in the parliamentary system" because the constitution is written by characteristics of a social contract. The important objectives of this study were: 1) to limited power of jurisdiction person, protected rights freedom of the people 2) to created fairness in society and equality in law, and 3) to created stability and efficiency for the government in the political system by using a written constitution, the government has duty to run the country with stability.

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How to Cite
Kwanmuang, G. ., Pabhassaro, P. S. ., Suriyo (Kongkawai), P. S. ., & Limprasert, . P. . (2022). CONSTITUTIONALISM WITH DYNAMICS OF THAI DOMINATION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(7), 287–299. retrieved from
Academic Article


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