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Vatchara Naronglitidach
Chomsupak Cruthaka
Duangduen Chancharoen
Kanya Supphakijkosol
Phanit Tiravongchaipunt


The objectives of this research were to 1) study personals’ perception regarding effectiveness of municipalities in the central region of Thailand. Furthermore, the researchers compare 2) personals’ perception toward the effectiveness of municipalities in the central region of Thailand as classified by the demographical characteristics of gender, age, education. This is survey research, and used to conceptual framework of organization effectiveness. The population of 1,986 personals, the sample population consisting of 333 personals in the municipalities central region of Thailand. The research instruments was a five-scale questionnaires designed to elicit data concerning personals’ perception to effectiveness of municipalities in the central region of Thailand. Testing for quality, the researchers found that the instruments evinced reliability at the levels of 0.93. The data collected were to online pattern. The researchers analyzed the data collected in terms of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. In addition, the t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques. The study results revealed that 1) personals’ perception to Effectiveness of municipalities in the central region of Thailand in an overall picture at a high level ( .= 3.51). When considered in each aspect, it was found that the aspect of using resources to cost-effective, organizational innovation and achieve goal were at a high level (  = 3.67, 3.64, 3.54 respectively). In regard to the aspects of ability to adaptation was at a moderate level (  = 3.18). 2) the personals who differed in gender and education, in overall no differences in their perception toward the Effectiveness of municipalities. Furthermore, the personals who differed in who differed in age, in overall was differences in their perception toward the Effectiveness of municipalities at the statistically significant level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Naronglitidach, V., Cruthaka, C. ., Chancharoen, D. ., Supphakijkosol, K. ., & Tiravongchaipunt, P. . (2022). PERSONALS’ PERCEPTION TOWARDS EFFECTIVENESS OF MUNICIPALITIES IN THE CENTRAL REGION OF THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(7), 259–272. retrieved from
Research Articles


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