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Sarawoot Nakvittayanon
Sayamol Charoenratana
Unruan Leknoi


The objectives of this research article were to: 1) study and analyze the social business concept of Muhammad Yunus 2) to study the implementation and feasibility of applying the social business concept into social business in Thailand. 3) to suggest guidelines for promoting social enterprises in Thailand for accordance with the principles of Professor Muhammad Yunus, using research methods in the form of qualitative research consisting of 2 parts: 1) documentary research and 2) methods of in-depth interviews with experts using the Delphi technique, which will use 17 qualified experts, with experts divided into groups as follows: 1) Qualified experts from state agency 2) Qualified persons from private sectors 3) Qualified persons from academics with working experience 4) Qualified persons from social enterprises or social business affiliated with members of the association Social Business of Thailand. Situation of social business operations according to Yunus guidelines in Thailand from a legal point of view, it's a delay. But the government has started to focus on increasing investment opportunities. Problems and obstacles to running social enterprises and social business legally, most organizations define the law to be useful in identifying enterprises eligible for government promotion. Together with the registration system as a legal social enterprise. Such registration does not give the registrant the status of a legal entity. As a result, social business, both registered and unregistered social enterprises, have a variety of organizational forms.

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How to Cite
Nakvittayanon, S. ., Charoenratana, S., & Leknoi, U. . (2022). THE GUIDELINES FOR SOCIAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN THAILAND ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF MUHUAMMAD YUNUS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(6), 144–159. retrieved from
Research Articles


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