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A formal social institution concerned with satisfying the needs of its members to live in accordance with the rules of society. control the group of people to live in society peacefully social groups in institutions of politics and government It consists of various social groups, which are clearly organized social groups, known as organizations, such as political parties, ministries, bureaus, departments, etc. Each organization consists of a position or social status. to perform roles and duties according to that status Organizations of important political institutions are as follows: 1) Legislative branch is the organization responsible for making laws 2) Administrative branch is the organization responsible for administration and services to members as a whole 3) Judicial branch is the organization responsible for interpreting laws in case of conflict among the members of society; 4) an independent body is an organization consisting of a group of persons formed in a way free from the influence of Persons who may have interests in the business that is the duty of that independent organization especially the powers of city officials and regular government officials Persons having powers and duties in judicial proceedings The position of a judge was called a “judge.” In ancient times, Thai judges and judges had different powers and duties. Judiciary is a type of civil servant, known as "judicial official", while judge is the position of judicial official. but in the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court, the term judge is also used to refer to the name of a government official and a position. For the Court of Justice, the term judicial officials of the Court of Justice Create rules and regulations for society
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