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This article is a presentation on the governance in a democratic system under the rule of law. Democracy is the principle that all citizens of the state are equal owners. shall have the right to express opinions can criticize the work of the government or making decisions for the benefit of the public. By the importance of individuals, social builders, social institutions, the state and the state. Therefore, everyone should promote freedom, equality, society, politics, education, economy and quality of life, life style. Governance in a democratic system under the rule of law the rules are based on the principle of fairness. It is the basis of law and an important factor that affects the support of the state and the solution of problems. On the basis of equality and equal citizen participation and fair law enforcement. Therefore, building a sustainable and realistic society of rule of law must begin with the creation of “Culture of rules-keeping” gives society a culture of rules-keeping. By recognizing the importance of "rules" and participating in making the maintenance of justice. For this reason, cultivating a culture of law-abiding is the starting point and the cornerstone of building a rule of law society. By using the power of all sectors to help drive the rule of law to become a fundamental factor of social development in all dimensions.
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