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This research paper was assessment research the purpose of this research was to assess the project in terms of context, inputs, processes, and products of the Training Project Implementation for developing the teacher professional competency in the 21st century. The research was conducted on a random sample of 205 teachers in network schools who met the requirements as project’s trainees. The tool employed in this research was a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the overall level of the training project’s evaluation was at a high level in all aspects. Considering each aspect ordered from the highest to the least, the participants’ level of agreement was as follows. Regarding the context assessment, it was found that the project objectives were consistent with the policy of NSTDA; the project itself was consistent with the policies of NSTDA and those of the Basic Education Commission; and the project objectives were also consistent with the students' developments. Regarding the inputs, it was found that the trainers paid full attention to the training; there were sufficient trainers and the trainer had sufficient knowledge and understanding of the training content. In terms of the trainees, it was found that the trainees paid attention during the training; they were interested in the training topics and they had similar prior knowledge. According to material support, it was found that the training documents corresponded to the needs of the trainers; and there were online communication channels to support the trainees who encountered problems during the training. In terms of the process, it was found that the project activities were practical; the executives fully supported the training project; and the final there was a study of the current operating conditions, problems, and needs to determine issues that need to be developed. The results of the productivity evaluation were that; teachers performed the main tasks in learners’ development; teachers organized learning activities and developed learners effectively; and teachers enhanced student achievements. In terms of productivity, it was found that the implementation of training activities led to an acceptance of the administrators, teachers and students and the decrease of teacher’s workload.
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