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The objectives of this research article were to analyze the factors of lifelong learning and building lifelong learning competency in disruptive secondary school teachers in southern Thailand using the mixed method. The research instrument was a 5-Likert rating scale questionnaire, which was used as a confirmation questionnaire on lifelong learning competency in disruptive secondary school teachers with a coefficient of .973. The samples were teachers in secondary schools by determining the sample size according to the concept of Hair, et al. the ratio of variable to sample size equal to 1:20 for 960 people with a stratified random sampling approach. The researcher analyzed the confirmation questionnaire and found that the lifelong learning factor was consistent with the empirical data (X2=7.30, df=4, p=0.12075, CFI=1.00, GFI=0.997, AGFI=0.989, RMR=0.0373, RMSEA=0.029). The results showed that the lifelong learning factor consisted of 5 factors as followed; 1) self-development for change; 2) persistence in the face of volatility; 3) conceptual framework; 4) use of technology to benefit professional development, and 5) staying up-to-date with technology in times of volatility. By building lifelong learning competency in disruptive learning for secondary school teachers, researchers have confirmed lifelong learning competency in reversals for teachers with a multi-faceted discussion meeting to find consensus using the MACR technique by 9 experts. The evaluation is characterized by a rating scale, that is, systematic evaluation, ranging from 0-100 scores to calculate the mean and the range. The results showed that lifelong learning competencies consist of 8 competencies including 1) strategic planning; 2) dynamic; 3) growth mindset; 4) learning with technology; 5) self-improvement; 6) innovation; 7) developing learning management, and 8) life skills.
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