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Research subject Study of factors affecting consumer’s buying behavior of second-hand car in mueang district, Lampang province. To study marketing mix factor buying of second-hand car in mueang district, Lampang province. Research method data were collected using a questionnaire of 400 people as well as study other recommendations as a guideline for development management in running a used second-hand car tent business to be able to meet the needs of consumers and can compete with entrepreneurs others. Research results marketing mix factor (7Ps) of buying of second-hand car in mueang district, Lampang province. indicate that various processes management the average is at a high level (=4.37) personal the average is at a high level (=4.31) product the average is at a high level (=4.27) marketing promotion the average is at a high level (=4.26) physical environment the average is at a high level (=4.25) distribution channel the average is at a high level (=4.12) and price it was average in the middle (=3.40) It can be seen that the price factor is at the lowest level than other aspects factors affecting consumer’s buying of second-hand car is selling price, interest rate in installments, initial down payment, repayment period. Therefore, entrepreneurs should have cooperation with banks or financial institutions lower the price of loan interest reduce down payment to be a promotion for customers. There is a giveaway for customers to stimulate sales, including advertising and public relations and organize good marketing activities.
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