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This article aims to Studying human capital management in the Generation Y era These people are born with modern technology. Including knowledge Causing a lesser patience Hyperactivity And change jobs frequently Jane does not like class. Find a job that you like to do while having a comfortable life at the same time. With high compensation You don't have to go to the office for a headache. Ask to measure each other at the results. They do not need a fixed working time and their hard work comes with satisfactory rewards. This means working and living. In which children today like to work as a team Because it grew up in an era of high economic growth and great technological advancement. Have a fast lifestyle Has a high individuality Need recognition Like a challenge and inquisitive, but sensitive to stimuli, there are always conditions at hand. This resulted in an accelerated consumption behavior, prioritizing thought processes over memorization, and the ability to multitask. Therefore, the human capital management process is divided into three phases: 1) acquisition phase through internet recruitment, selection and orientation; 2) maintenance phase. Performance evaluation Appropriate people placement for the job Training and development Compensation and Benefits Management Health care and safety, and 3) phase of work Assisting and directing the exit from the organization Summary of employment history files Processing of payments before leaving work And pre-leave interviews to gather relevant information and reasons for resignation.
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