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This research is contained 3 objectives as following ; 1) to explore the local fabric market 2) to study the local fabric consumer behaviors , and 3) to analyze the product positioning of local fabric businesses in Nakhon Si Thammarat. The instruments were interview questionnaires and table analysis. The purposive sampling consisted of 6 groups local fabric producers, 4 businesses, and 30 consumers. Content analysis and data triangulation were also employed for the data analysis processes. The results indicated that there were factors contributing to an opportunity for the market growth of local fabric., there was still an opportunity for local brocade weaving cloth business due to the famous legacy on unique patterns and identity as well as the Governor’s policy. Regarding the bargaining power of sellers, it was found that influential factor was the provision of raw materials and supplies. The local business owners needed to order the cotton threads from the suppliers. Therefore, the raw material prices were uncontrollable. Similarly, the tie-dyed cloth and the batik cloth producers also needed to order ready-made shirts to paint on. When looking at the bargaining power of customers, it was seen that the hand-made products were most affected by the inconsistency of colors, patterns. Regarding replaceable products, vital factors were the competitive price of the ready-made cloth as well as the availability and variety of patterns. Concerning the factor of new entrepreneurs, it was found that it was difficult for new businesses to enter and compete in local brocade weaving cloth business, due to sophisticated craftsmanship skills for the production. Consumer behaviors were categorized, types of organizations, and types of fabrics. The brocade and woven cloth targeting for 30-year-old customers, the Batik cloth for 25-year-old customers who love colorful outfits, and the tie-dyed cloth targeting for teenagers, high school, and college students who are between 18 to 24 years old. In terms of the market positioning, it was found that positioned their products in relation to identity of the cloth, and the expected prices from consumers.
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