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Gomes Kwanmuang
Phrakruvinaidhorn Suriya Suriyo


This article is a presentation on the law governing the rule of law in Thai society. When it comes to administrative law, it is a matter of administrative powers that are enshrined in various laws, regardless of the name of the law and the administrative law is in the same issue The law will prescribe powers and duties to those who use the power. Administrative agencies or other government agencies or private entities that exercise administrative powers and officials and the user of the power must act in accordance with the rules provided by the law therefore use the ruling power to issue rules issuing administrative orders administrative action and administrative contracts to fulfill the duties and intent of the law and to be able to apply the law properly. By allowing the state to use the rule of law as an important principle of public law that calls for the state to have good governance Good governance according to the rule of law is rule by law not ruled by people by the rule of law It is more desirable than human rule. whoever it is and is the cornerstone of the rule of law. It is the principle that upholds and adheres to the principle that good governance is “Government is by law, not by people,” the rule of law calls for Even if the state has sovereign power, which is the supreme power. But the modern liberal democratic state must respect the law and bind itself to the laws created by the state in order to prevent the state or government from having power over the individual. in ordering an individual to do anything arbitrarily.

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How to Cite
Kwanmuang, G. ., & Suriyo, P. S. . (2022). ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ON THE RULE OF LEGAL IN THAI SOCIETY . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(4), 374–386. retrieved from
Academic Article


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