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The objective of the study were to examine scope of the elements of continuous learning of teacher in the primary school in the southern border provinces and to verify the elements of continuous learning of teacher in the primary school in the southern border provinces. This research is divided into 2 phases. 1) Scope of the elements of continuous learning of teacher in the primary school in the southern border provinces from review of related literatures and brought the information to interview 27 experts and variable screening by 5 connoisseurship. The experts considered that the variable was appropriate, possible and applicable. 2) Verify of elements of continuous learning of teacher in the primary school in the southern border provinces to using exploratory factor analysis 300 schools with 591 copies. The result revealed that elements of elements of continuous learning of teacher in the primary school in the southern border provinces got 6 elements 42 indicators consist of 1) The stimulating energy of self-directed learning 15 indicators 2) The academic leadership of school administrators 9 indicators 3) Learning organization 6 indicators 4) Professional learning community 6 indicators 5) Information technology for learning 3 indicators and 6) Social support 3 indicators.
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