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This study aimed to synthesize researches that were the organization researches, dissertations and independent studied that examine effects of transformational leadership on job performance. Meta-analysis method was employed to analyze data in this study. The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate the status of target researches, 2) to analyze the effect size of transformational leadership on job performance, and 3) to study the factors that affect the effect size of transformational leadership on job performance. Data were collected through research characteristics form and research quality evaluation form. This study analyzed the data with descriptive statistics and multilevel analysis with a hierarchical liner model.The results showed that 1) According to the study on the research status there are 4 variables of influencing transformational leadership on job performance, satisfaction, empowerment and organizational commitment.2)The mean size of influencing transformational leadership on job performance was 0.60 statistically significant different at the 0.05 level 3) The factors affected of transformational leadership on job performance. It was found that Variables affecting influence Is the conceptual variable, the main conceptual theory of transformational leadership
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