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The objectives of this research article were to 1) develop Brain Based Learning activity packages to encourage young children life skill 2) analyze effect of using Brain Based Learning activity packages of young children. This is an experimental research, the sample used in the research was young children boys and girls, with 5-6 years of age, of kindergarten 2/1 and 2/2 in first semester of 2016 academic year of Hang Chat district municipal school, Hang Chat sub-district, Lampang Province. The sample group contained 60 young students. Those groups were selected by using purposive sampling. The instrument used in the study were 32 Brain Based Learning activity packages. The evaluation form was divided into two situations life skills evaluation form, situations: 1) Students were evaluated the accountability skill and interpersonal relationship skill. 2) The students were evaluated critical thinking skill and problem skill. The research followed one group pretest-posttest design and the data were analyzed by using Arithmetic mean and Standard Deviation. The results of study revealed that 1) Brain-based activities package for promoting early childhoods' life skills is appropriate and applicable which was evaluated by 5 experts with an evaluation result between 0.8 -1.0. 2) The early childhood children have life skills before the activity with a mean score of 1.69 and after the activity with a mean score of 1.89, which was higher than before the use of the brain-based activity package. When analyzing each aspect, It was found that after the brain-based activity package of early childhood children has the higher life skills than before in all aspects of the activities, in the following order: 1. Critical thinking 2. Responsibility 3. Building relationships with others and 4. Problem solving.
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