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Phrakhru Banpotpavanavithan
Phrakhru Khuntitarnthare
Phrakhru Thawonkijjarak
Phramaha Apiwat Bhaddaramedhi


The objectives of this research article were to 1) Study the current situations and problems on ASEAN language skills among students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus, 2) Develop courses for enhancing skills of the students’ ASEAN language skills, and 3) Analyze the students’ satisfaction on the developed courses to enhance their ASEAN language skills. of population including The subjects were 27 third-year students in the Faculty of Humanities at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus in the academic year 2019. The results showed that 1) according to the current ASEAN language teaching and learning, course contents have been arranged based on the degree of difficulty. Due to learners’ inadequate knowledge of ASEAN languages, they have been unable to construct sentences properly. When pursuing higher education, they have been unable to apply their knowledge outside of school. Teachers have limited time to be responsible for teaching many subjects. Therefore unable to devote full time to teaching ASEAN languages. The management of educational institutions still lacks media equipment books on ASEAN languages. 2) According to the development of courses to enhance ASEAN language learning management, there has been a wider variety of learning activities which allow students to develop their cognitive skills the with the teacher’s reinforcement. The teaching package has clear objectives in terms of content chapter activities and quizzes so that students can assess their learning outcomes on their own. 3) The students’ overall and individually considered aspects of satisfaction on the developed courses to enhance their ASEAN language skills, was found to be at a high level.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Banpotpavanavithan, Phrakhru Khuntitarnthare, Phrakhru Thawonkijjarak, & Bhaddaramedhi, P. A. . (2022). STRENGTHENING ASEAN LANGUAGE SKILLS AMONG STUDENTS OF MAHACHULALONGKORNRAJAVIDYALAYA UNIVERSITY, NAKHON RATCHASIMA CAMPUS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(2), 228–240. retrieved from
Research Articles


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