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This research article aims to analyze and create a model of market management factors for SMEs 4.0, Thai clothing brands for Generation Y. It is mixed research using a parallel model. Quantitative research The sample was 430 people using the group method. As for the qualitative research, in-depth interviews were used with key informants, namely group 1, 6 experts, group 2, 6 executives, group 3, 5 experts, a total of 17 people. The research instruments were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. For quantitative data analysis, multiple regression equations were used. And qualitative data analysis using descriptive methods. By bringing only the issues that are consistent with both methods to discuss the results according to a parallel research model. The results showed that Market management factors found that gender, occupation, online sources for purchasing Thai brand clothing Average monthly income education level Types of Thai branded clothes purchased, age, and which group of Thai brands have you ever bought the most? The person who influenced the decision to buy Thai brand clothes the most and the number of purchases of Thai branded clothes in the past 1 year. Affects attitudes to create behavior statistically significant For the marketing management model, it was found that the purchase reason management factor buying factors brand management factor and statistically significant relationship management factors for demand response. As for the qualitative research results, it was found that the design of marketing management both offline and online consisted of 1) the speed of replacing the technology, 2) the management of creating value for the society, 3) the management in harmony with nature, and 4) the creation of accomplished for sustainable development goals
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