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Saran Jirapongsuwan
Piyakorn Whangmahaporn


The article has the objective to study the level of success in the operation of the Senior Citizens Council of Thailand and to study the factors affecting the success of the Senior Citizens Council of Thailand; and to study for improving development the Senior Citizens Council of Thailand. This research is a mixed method research. Quantitative research, the sample group was 273 elderly clubs in Thailand. The tool used as a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. Qualitative research, the key informants were representatives of the elderly clubs who were members of the Senior Citizens Council of Thailand, totaling 10 clubs. The tool was Semi-structured interview form. Analyze the data by interpretation.

The results showed that the level of success in the Senior Citizens Council of Thailand at a high level. Internal and external factors affecting the success of policy implementation as a whole were at a high level. Internal variables and outside the control, all 13 factors can explain the dependent variable, namely the implementation of the policy of the Association of the Council of Elders of Thailand, overall 64.1 percent. The prediction equation can be written as follows: Y = 274 + .343 X1 + 421 X2 + 206 X3. The results of the qualitative research found that the Senior Citizens Council of Thailand and the elderly clubs which work as a network with each other which has the Senior Citizens Council of Thailand serves to set rules on the standards of the elderly clubs and carry out various activities related to the elderly clubs in the form of joint thinking, joint planning, joint implementation, follow-up, and reporting.

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How to Cite
Jirapongsuwan, S. ., & Whangmahaporn, P. . (2022). THE SUCCESS IN OPERATION OF THE SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL OF THAILAND . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(2), 201–211. retrieved from
Research Articles


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