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Palida Jirathip


The purposes of this article were to: 1) study concept, Religious theories, customs, traditions, culture and Thai social opinion on registration of legal status of same-sex couples and 2) study and analyze the legal status of same-sex couples in accordance with human rights principles and constitution. This was qualitative research that analyzed data from documents, in-depth interviews by selecting a specific sample group who were 4 groups of representatives involved in the registration of same-sex couples’s legal status: 1) legal, 2) academic, 3) social work, and 4) same-sex couples with totally 45 persons. It was found that 1) according with concept, religious theories, customs, traditions and culture were Christians consider homosexuality a sin, Islam consider forbidden behavior that violates teachings, Hindus consider homosexuality a sin and Buddhism is considered to be against traditions, inappropriate culture but Thai society still sees it as inappropriate behavior. And 2) for guaranteeing and protecting the legal status of same-sex couples is no statutory certification so this makes it not guaranteed and legal protection for cohabiting like heterosexual couples. The problem was not only restrictions on the rights and freedoms of individuals created inequality but also it was discriminated against. It was recommended the legal should be amended to the principles of rights, liberties and equality by regardless of gender differences according to the constitution, B.E. 2560.

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How to Cite
Jirathip, P. . (2022). LEGAL GUIDELINE FOR REGISTERING OF THE LEGAL STATUS OF SAME-SEX COUPLES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(2), 1–13. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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