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Jeerawan Srichanchai
Siranee Imnamkhao
Pranee Thabungkan
Atayapon Thongmee
Anyarat Uthaisaen


The objectives of this article to study the mother’s burden of care in early childhood with delayed development and factors related to the burden of care among early childhood mothers with delay’s development.The sampling 82 mothers of children with developmental delays. Data were collected using maternal and child personal information questionnaire, the mother’s burden of care for early childhood with developmental delays, general child health assessment and assessment for child developmental problems. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and the Chi-Square test statistic. The results of the research showed that the mother’s burden of care in early childhood with delayed development overall, it was at a low level (  = 0.48, SD = 0.39) and factors related to the burden of care among early childhood mothers with delay’s development found that caregiver factors were age, educational level, marital status, occupation, family monthly income, caregiver's disease period of patient care, social support, the number of children, and conditions of debt. In addition, child factors include sex, age, other congenital diseases, and developmental defects were not effect on the mother’s burden, however the general mental health status of the mothers affects the mother burden of care statistically significant at the 0.05 level (c2 -test = 0.001, p - value = 11.82). Therefore, the team of health personnel in providing holistic pediatric nursing should be involved in Maternal mental health care to provide along with the treatment of early childhood with delays development.

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How to Cite
Srichanchai , J. ., Imnamkhao, S., Thabungkan, P. ., Thongmee, A. ., & Uthaisaen, A. . (2022). THE MOTHER BURDEN OF CARE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD WITH DELAYED DEVELOPMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(1), 317–328. retrieved from
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