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This research aimed to 1) study the problems of administration of small schools according to the viewpoints of school executives, teachers, and the chairpersons of the committee of basic education institutions under Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area Office 1; 2) compare the viewpoints toward the level of the problems of administration of small schools , classified by conditions; and 3) study suggestions for developing administration of small schools. There were 291 samples, consisting of 97 school executives, 97 teachers, and 97 chairpersons of the committee of basic education institutions in 2019. The samples were obtained by stratified sampling, followed by simple random sampling. The instruments for data collection were a set of 5-rating scaled questionnaire, with discrimination = .359 - .921 and reliability = .974; and a structured interview form. The findings revealed as follows. 1) For the problems of administration of small, they were moderate as overall and in aspects. When considering each aspect, the one with the highest mean was academic, followed by general administration 2) For the comparison of the viewpoints toward the level of the problems of administration of small schools, classified by conditions, it was found that the overall and in aspects were different, with the significance level of .01. 3) For the key suggestions for developing administration of small schools, 1) Academic administration is the heart of the school. academic planning in accordance with the needs and abilities of the students It is something that must be done in parallel. 2)Budget management Whether it's a small school, Whether it is an annual action plan Project budgets prepared should be carried out as normal and evidenced. and the operation must be done with transparency can check every step. 3)Personnel management It is very important to drive various aspects of the school, managing personnel assigned to work. 4) General administration Its main role is in coordinating, promoting, supporting.
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