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The objectives of this research article were to study : 1) personal characteristics, job embeddedness, employee engagement and the retention of spa therapists in health spa establishments of Phuket province and 2) determine the co-influence of personal characteristics, job embeddedness and employee engagement on the retention of spa therapists in health spa establishments of Phuket province.This research was studied using analytical cross-sectional method.The samples were 325 spa therapists who have been working in health spa establishments of Phuket province selected by simple random sampling method. Data were collected using questionnaire. The questionnaire was found to be reliable (Cronbach’s alpha : overall= 0.93, employee engagement subscale= 0.86, job embeddedness subscale = 0.84, retention subscale= 0.87).Statistic used for data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that: 1) Most of the spa therapists in health spa establishments of Phuket province were female with an average age of 40.04 years, single, graduated from high school level.Most of them have 1 to 3 years’experience in their workplaces, recieved income from spa therapist carier between 10,001 and 20,000 baht, had domiciles in northeastern of Thailand and had worked as spa therapist before.Their agreement to job embeddedness, employee engagement and employee retention was at the highest level. 2) Job embeddedness, employee engagement in affective commitment and continuance commitment aspects showed positive influence on the retention of spa therapists in health spa establishments of Phuket province while income from spa therapist carier between 30,001 and 40,000 baht showed negative influence on the retention of spa therapists in health spa establishments of Phuket province with co-predictive power of 62.70 %.
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