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This article aimed at studying the new normal ways for the survivals and the adaptation of community enterprise after Covid-19 crisis of Thailand and studying the new normal ways for the adaptation of community enterprise after Covid-19 crisis of Thailand. This study was based on the documentationary research and content analysis. It was found from the research that 1) on the survival in developing the community tourism enterprise, the emphasis should be on driving the tourism activities under the project of the promotion of new-normal Thai community tourism so that it would be more trusted by tourists, 2) on the survival in the management of the gathering in form of community enterprise, the emphasis should be on producing new kinds of products, online marketing, or creating webpages for selling products, together, 3) on the survival in the promoting the product business of commuity enterrpise, the emphasis should be on people in the community so that these people could be able to produce unique products of the community enterprise of their own which could be distributed through many channels, 4) on the survival on the economic and social recovery that links to the community enterprise, the emphasis should be on develping agricultural products from farmers in the community that links to other sectors of product manufacturing, focusing on employing local people and on new theory agriculture for the sustainable strength, 5) on the survival in building new normal ways of community enterprise careers of the community, focusing on the new normal ways of management of community enterprise, screening the risk group related to the production process, 6) on the survival in increasing capability of the management of community enterprise energy, focusing on developing capability in producing more energy used in local community, determining the measures in reducing the use of non-renewable energy, developing the production of renewable energy in the future, and 7) on the survival in the knowledge management of the community enterprise, exchanging and sharing knowledge of the community enterprise, providing knowledge to the civilians and community so that they could access to the community financial system such as the the use of online application of financial institutions. All of these survivals are essential to the new normal ways of adaptation of community enterprise after Covid-19 crisis of Thailand.
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