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Poramate Insook


This article aims to explain extracurricular activities: simulated family in phase I among nursing students in the university. This is knowledge integration to the community, and aim to holistic student development who be good, smart, happiness, and humanized health care person. Then, this author was asking their opinion from students and members of the simulated family about this activity and participating in this activity with review literature. The result was the students have expectations from this activity, such as good relationship, love and warm as well as real family, caring and advice to simulated family and community. This was consistent with the expectations of the simulated family on outcomes of extracurricular activities that wanted to have their offspring studying nursing. They carry on love and warmth to students as they were real family members who want to receive care and health advice. According to basis of family in Thai society with love, warm, friendship, stability and safety which defining expected attributes, role and simulated family's activities. However, the finding about a process supplementary curriculum activity with simulated family, did not follow the concept of simulated family. These include a conversational aesthetics, reflection thinking in daily life, systematic thinking and problem-solving skills which is the process of developing the service mind with humanized health care

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How to Cite
Insook, P. . (2021). SIMULATED FAMILY: BONDING FROM UNIVERSITY TO COMMUNITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 190–203. retrieved from
Academic Article


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