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Pattawan Choolert


This article aims to study the satisfaction of the teaching model using Situations Base Learning of Nursing Student in the Covid-19 and comparing the Clinical judgement skill of nursing students before and after teaching model using Situations Base Learning. This is quasi-experimental research with a One group Pre-Posttest design. The population is 35 graduate nursing students in the 3rd year of the academic year 2020. The research instruments consisted of Situations Base Learning about pregnant women at antenatal care and pregnant women during delivery and satisfaction survey toward for teaching model using Situations Base Learning, then analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results show that the overall satisfaction score of the sample was at a high level (   = 4.80, S.D.=0.40). The score of Clinical judgement skill in post- test (M = 40.63, S.D. = 5.29) than pre -test (M =34.57, S.D. =4.64) of significantly (t = - 8.53, p < .000, dƒ = 34). The teaching model using Situations Base Learning about pregnant women at antenatal care and pregnant women during delivery.  That could mean future readiness for practical training with patients. Therefore, the use Situations Base Learning in other courses should be encouraged in cases where practice with patients is not possible, such as during the COVID-19 outbreak. Along with lessons learned after using Situations Base Learning to develop.

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How to Cite
Choolert, P. . (2021). MODEL OF TEACHING BY SITUATIONS BASE LEARNING OF NURSING STUDENT IN COVID-19 OUTBREAK. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 121–133. retrieved from
Research Articles


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