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Chutima Rukbanglaem


Management of nursing education in nursing practical field with patients at hospital for an experience in real situation where nursing students are included in the important part of personnel as health team. In term of risk management which need to practice on the safety standard in hospital, reduce riskiness and create safeties to patients and public health personnel while students have incapability of knowledge, skills and experiences from Covid-19 pandemic situation. Although it might lead to limitation of practicum and management on nursing practical system, we have to adjust the system of risk management which relates and leads to the same directions between education institution and hospital. This article suggest risk management guidelines for practical training of nursing students in the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic which consists of 1) Background of patients on safeties and healthiness of personnel (Patient and Personnel Safety Goals or 2P Safety Goals) and the definition of risk (Risk) 2) Nursing process (Nursing process) which has 5 steps: Health assessment, Nursing diagnosis, Nursing care plan, Nursing plan (Implementation of nursing care plan) and Nursing evaluation (Evaluation) 3) Using the guidelines of “SPEAK UP” to reduce risks and 4) Guidelines for risk management in the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhon Si Thammarat to ensure that nursing students practice in accordance with the quality and safety standards of the Ministry of Public Health

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How to Cite
Rukbanglaem, C. . (2021). RISK MANAGEMENT IN NURSING PRACTICUM OF STUDENT NURSES COVID-19 PANDEMIC SITUATION . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 105–120. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/257649
Academic Article


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