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Witchuta Muksing


Pain in children can be caused by both disease pathology and acute conditions, crisis and chronic conditions of disease. In some conditions, the illness requires pediatric patients to be treated by surgery or performing an operation or from the pathology of the disease itself This results in pain, fear, and anxiety for children and their families. Pain assessment and pain management with age differences are essential. In which childhood is unable to communicate to understand pain to meet their own needs. Therefore, it is imperative to have a family to take part in the care.The concept of family-centered child care will give priority to family.  Encourage families to take part in caring and incorporating families into patient care plans. In addition, information was exchanged, child care decisions and taking care of family activities used in nursing practice. Family should be given priority in empowering and cooperating in child care. If without the support of the nurses this made the family unable to play their roles effectively. For the role of nurses in caring for children with pain using the family as the center. Recognizing and respecting the role of family is very important to children. Able to provide timely relief from pain relief and can be used as information in planning comprehensive maintenance and more efficient. Children feel warm, safe and reduce the impact on pediatric patients. It's a holistic care. This allows children with pain to be treated more effectively.

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How to Cite
Muksing, W. . (2021). FAMILY CENTER CARE IN PAIN WITH CHILD: APPLICATION IN CASE STUDY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(12), 40–58. retrieved from
Academic Article


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