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Chutharat Chanprakhong
Kitti Chunhasriwong
Orathai Chuacharoen


The objectives of this research article were 1) study the level of opinions towards lifelong learning among Ramkhamhaeng University undergraduates; 2) to study the factors of lifelong learning; and 3) to assess the factors of lifelong learning. Using is a quantitative research model there are three methods of conducting research: This is the first part studying the level of opinions towards lifelong learning using questionnaires with the sample group was the undergraduates at Ramkhamhaeng University consisted of 400 people by finding the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Part two for the study factors of lifelong learning, used the statistics is Factor Analysis and Part 3 assessment of the factors of lifelong learning by the assessor were 7 instructors in charge of the course who have academic positions at Ramkhamhaeng University from the selection according to the faculty in the original royal decree system By the Dean of the Faculty 1) Law 2) Business Administration 3) Humanities 4) Education Science 5) Science 6) Political Science and 7) Economics. Used to Assessment From find the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings of this research revealed that: 1) the Undergraduates at Ramkhamhaeng University have opinions towards lifelong learning overall and in each aspect is at a high level sort by learning to know, learning to be, learning to live together and learning to do 2) The results of the study of factors of lifelong learning consisted of 7 factors including viz self-directed learning, life skills development, learning skills development, coexistence in a multicultural society, self-development and learning exchange, action learning and knowledge management 3) The results of the assessment of factors of lifelong learning found that the suitability of factors of lifelong learning overall are at a high level

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How to Cite
Chanprakhong, C. ., Chunhasriwong , K. ., & Chuacharoen, O. . (2021). LIFELONG LEARNING FACTORS OF THE UNDERGRADUATE AT RAMKHAMHAENG UNIVERSITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 244–258. retrieved from
Research Articles


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