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Pruettipong Chakkaphak
Adithep Phinyakasem
Aran Phanthumjinda


This article aims to study conflict management in organization using the paradigm of public administration. Data collection methods were used by analyzing documents related to conflict management. and the use of methods that are consistent with the public administration paradigm. This article uses the New Public management as a framework for analysis because the new approach of public administration is the transformation of public administration by applying the principles of increasing the efficiency of the bureaucratic system and seeking efficiency in the performance of government services that lead to excellence. by applying the guidelines or methods of administration of the private sector to apply to government administration such as result-base management, professional management, cost-effectiveness. Findings from this research papers acquired from research articles, academic articles, and books. Which are categorized by issues and presented with descriptive information and synthesize important components. Finding were as follow: 1) Conflict Management Using Win-Win Method is an administration for all parties can come to an agreement. 2) Conflict Management Using Organizational Structure Method is to set regulations rules of recruitment. 3) Conflict Management through Non-Violent Communication use of dialogue conversational to mediate. 4) Power of Conflict Management the power use in cases when conflicts cannot control the situation. 5) Conflict Management Using Confrontation Avoidance is not avoiding problems but to avoid conflict in order to prevent encountering problems

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How to Cite
Chakkaphak, P. ., Phinyakasem, A. ., & Phanthumjinda, A. . (2021). CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATION USING THE PARADIGM OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 140–151. retrieved from
Academic Article


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