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Yaowanuch Thanam
Jiraporn Potjana-areewong


The objectives of this article were to: 1) develop an instructional package on social and emotional intelligence of early childhood, 2) promote social and emotional intelligence of early childhood, 3) compare social and emotional behaviors of early childhood before and after the experiment by employing experimental research, one group pretest - posttest design. The samples used in the study were 15 boys and girls of kindergarten 2 students aged 5 - 6 years old, studying during the second semester of 2015 academic year, Banplaiklong School, by Purposive Sampling. The research instruments were an instructional package on social and emotional intelligence of early childhood, and the Behavioral Assessment Checklist for Social and Emotional Intelligence of Early Childhood Children.  The research results were: 1) there were eight sets of instructional packages on social and emotional intelligence of early childhood consisting of Activity Plans to develop social and emotional intelligence of early childhood as well as tales promoting social and emotional intelligence.  The quality of the instructional packages had already been checked by experts and the conformity assessment was appropriate. 2) In terms of the behavioral scores on social and emotional intelligence of early childhood, the mean scores before and after the activities were 19.28 and 26.64 respectively. 3) When comparing the behavioral scores on social and emotional intelligence of early childhood before and after the activity, it was found that the average mean score after the activity using the instructional package on social and emotional intelligence of early childhood was 7.36, significantly higher at .01. It revealed that the early childhood has higher social and emotional intelligence than before the experiment of activity.

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How to Cite
Thanam, Y. ., & Potjana-areewong, J. . (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGE ON SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(11), 1–11. retrieved from
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