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Phra Anusorn Kittiwanno
Phra Sakditat Sangvaro
Kriengsak Fongkum
Aphicha Sukjeen


This research article aimed to 1. Investigate theories concerning the model of enhancing students’ good citizenship, 2. Construct good citizenship model for students by integrating Buddhism, and 3. Study the results of using the constructed model with students. Applying mixed methods research design, the participants were a school director, 4 teachers, and 150 students who are studying in junior high school. The research instruments were questionnaire, interview, and activities designed for enhancing students’ good citizenship though Buddhism.  The results revealed as follows. 1) In terms of theories concerning model formulation and good citizenship, the concept of being good citizen originated from theories, experiences, and imagination. Based on accuracy, brevity, and understandability, it is presented in physical, realistic, and symbolic forms and it can be applied to enhance individuals’ good citizenship, responsibilities towards society, and respect for human rights. 2) The model for enhancing students’ good citizenship though Buddhism was developed from document analysis and field study, in which the data were collected by using questionnaire and interview. Implementing Buddhist Threefold Training: morality, concentration, and wisdom, the training activities were created.  3) After using the model, the overview of students’ role of being good citizen was at average level ( =3.48). Furthermore, students’ behavior changed positively at high level ( = 4.22) which indicated that by applying the formulated model, their behavior was improved positively and their responsibility was developed.

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How to Cite
Kittiwanno, P. A. ., Sangvaro , P. S. ., Fongkum , K. . ., & Sukjeen, A. . (2021). THE MODEL OF STUDENTS’ GOOD CITIZENSHIP ENHANCEMENT INTEGRATING BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(9), 293–306. retrieved from
Research Articles


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