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Pensri Ruangsri


The objectives of this research article were 1) develop practice guidelines for pain reduction, 2) study the effectiveness of pain reduction practices in women with caesarean section, by quasi - experimental research. The samples were Thai woman who had been considered by a doctor to have a caesarean section by general anesthesia, amount 70 people, which were divided into 2 groups; experimental group (using the developed pain reduction guideline group) and comparison group (using the traditional practice), 35 people per group. Research tools in conducting research were guidelines for pain reduction in women with cesarean section and pain management guide. Data collection tool was postoperative pain management questionnaire and outcomes. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic, Chi-square test, independent t-test and paired sample t-test. The research results found that: The developed practice guidelines for pain reduction was educate, pain relief practice, turn on the side recommended / position’s change and other ways to reduce pain or use drugs as prescribed by a doctor if the above method did not work, teach pain assessment, pain assessment and practice in reducing pain as advised, If this did not work to give by drugs, visit and take care. The results of using the developed practice guidelines for pain reduction were found that it decreased pain for women with cesarean section when awake, before leaving the recovery room and 24 hours after surgery. As for using the traditional system, it made women with caesarean sections less pain when awake, and 24 hours after surgery, but before leaving the recovery room there was not reduction in pain. When compared the using practice guidelines for pain reduction that were developed with traditional practice guidelines found that the pain to be reduced no different, but using the developed pain reduction guideline were more satisfied with overall and each side than using the traditional practice. Therefore, should be used this practice guidelines at the hospital next.

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How to Cite
Ruangsri , P. (2021). A DEVELOPMENT OF PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR PAIN REDUCTION IN WOMEN WITH CAESAREAN SECTION, KOH SA MUI HOSPITAL. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(9), 144–160. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/255014
Research Articles


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