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Jongjit Lionram
Pornchai Pornwiriyakit


The objectives of this research article were to 1) to study mathematical patterns and techniques, 2) to create a mathematical manual, and 3) to compare the cognition of before and after class of students. The samples were 12 students in Economics. The research tools used in the study included pre-test and post-test. The statistics were used as Percentage and T-test. The results of the mathematical study patterns and techniques showed that integrating of three teaching techniques on learning the intensive preparation in Mathematics can enable students to analyze the problem in Mathematics step by step with KWDL technique, to show how to solve mathematical problems, to show how to do the mathematical problem in details, to identify the landmarks for application (Demonstration teaching method) and to summarize after doing mathematical problems in order to apply in Economics (Conceptualizing teaching method). According to these techniques, the researcher created the Mathematical Learning Guide, which consisted of 1) Principles and reasons, 2) Objectives, 3) Concepts and theories used to create mathematical manual, 4) Learning management process (with 5 steps according to the REUCA Model concept), and 5) Measurement and evaluation. According to learning management process, it will be integrated taught by KWDL technique, demonstration teaching method technique, conceptualizing teaching method, and teaching method followed with REUCA Model These included the review stage, the example step, the understanding step, the knowledge creation stage, and the implementation stage. The results of implementation manual on learning the intensive preparation in Mathematics showed students had a higher post-test score of 45.37 percent with statistically significantly at 0.01%.

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How to Cite
Lionram, J. ., & Pornwiriyakit, P. . (2021). MATHEMATICS COURSES FOR ADJUSTING STUDENTS’ BASICS BEFORE STUDYING ECONOMICS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(9), 94–104. retrieved from
Research Articles


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