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โชติกา กังสนันท์


This article aims to explain the importance of the transition from primary to secondary level. And propose guidelines for teachers to promote readiness for students in this transition. Because when students enter the school system. Changing is always happen. especially when changing the level of education. This is a major change that students must experience and adapt. The adjustment in this transition affects the students' learning. If students can adapt will be able to learn and be developed to their full potential but if students lacked the readiness would affect learning and the mental state. Especially the transition from primary to secondary level. This is a period where students will experience about changes in many areas. with teaching and learning management of the primary level and secondary education. both the methods of teaching and learning, the focus, and the goals of educational management; It is also the transition from childhood to adolescence. This is a major change in one's life. Because these two ages are quite different, especially in the social aspect mood and mind. The transition from elementary school to secondary school is a transition where students face problems arising from differences. both teaching their role in the classroom, as well as the changes that occur from within themselves. Therefore, it is important to promote readiness among students in the transition from elementary to secondary level.

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How to Cite
กังสนันท์ โ. . (2021). A TRANSITION FROM PRIMARY TO SECONDARY GRADES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(9), 34–46. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/254987
Academic Article


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