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Rhodavalentine Tipayasoceniza
Apirat Kangsadanporn


This research is aimed to study the Increasing Efficiency in Performing Duties of Senior Cabin Crew of Thai Air Asia Company Limited in order to find guidelines for Senior Cabin Crews to improve the efficiency in performing their duties and for the administrative team to plan for future sustainable services, human resource development etc. which is consequently beneficial to the safety and high-quality services rendered to the passengers. The study group consisted of specifically selected 10 Senior Cabin Crews of Thai AirAsia Co., Ltd., who were based at Donmuang International Airport in the year 2020 and had been working in the position at least 3 years. The mixed research method was used by analyzing the remarks from the interview with both quantitative approach by statistically counting the frequency of each remark and qualitative approach by narrative essay. The data was collected from observations and records both in written and tape forms during the designed interview. The study group put the organizational efficiency as the most important part that helps in the improvement of their efficiency as Senior Cabin Crew. This could be achieved if the company should sufficiently arrange for updated trainings in appropriate topics related to their job, improve The Standard Operation Procedures (SOP), offer proper salaries and other benefits, be well-operated with justice etc.. The second part is Personal Efficiency of  the Senior Cabin Crews themselves. Each individual Senior Cabin Crew must be qualified for the position, possesses good qualities such as experiences in the field of work, leadership skills, a role model and ability to cope with difficult or unexpected situations etc.. Moreover, the study group also mentioned that there should be harmonious working atmosphere with good relationship and effective communications among members of the related working units in the organization as well.

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Tipayasoceniza , R. ., & Kangsadanporn, A. (2021). INCREASING EFFICIENCY IN PERFORMING DUTIES OF SENIOR CABIN CREW OF THAI AIR ASIA COMPANY LIMITED. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(8), 1–14. retrieved from
Research Articles


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