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Chatthasanan Sanwonglakron


The objectives of this research paper are to 1) study the status of personnel retention of the Office of the Justice Fund, 2) study the Related factors personnel with the Justice Fund Office and 3) find ways to maintain personnel with the Fund Office. Can be fair for a long time It is a qualitative research. By collecting data from the study of documents and in-depth interviews There are 2 main groups of informants: 1) main informants are policy makers. Related management Consisted of eight representatives of the policy-maker level of the Office of the Justice Fund; and Justice Fund Office (Central) 13 people (without disclosure) and take the data that has been analyzed to analyze the data by using the triangular technique Classification or grouping of data, comparing events. Inductive analysis component analysis and analysis of documented data the results of the research were as follows: 1) The personnel retention conditions of the Office of the Justice Fund were found in policy and human resource law. Based on the regulations of the Justice Fund Committee on Personnel Management 2019, 2) Related factors personnel to remain with the Office of the Justice Fund. Discover motivating factors such as advancement, promotion within the organization. The salary promotion is satisfactory to the employees, there is stability, occupation and stability of the organization and supporting factors such as salaries, remuneration, working conditions and working conditions. Job security Interpersonal relations It consists of colleagues and supervisors. And policies and administration of the organization Supervisory control and 3) Guidelines for retention of personnel to remain with the Office of the Justice Fund for a long time. Getting more compensation and benefits to build stability and career advancement Therefore, it is necessary to amend the regulations of the Justice Fund Committee on Personnel Management of the Justice Fund Office and Prescribing rules for the Office of the Justice Fund on the Director's uniform Employees and employees of the Office of the Justice Fund as well as setting the rules for moving to suit the need for working in the position

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How to Cite
Sanwonglakron, C. . (2021). MEASURES TO PROMOTE THE MAINTENANCE OF PERSONNEL OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUSTICE FUND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 357–371. retrieved from
Research Articles


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