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Wasan Ketphan


The objective of this research is. 1) to study the policy of the administration of the Lawyers Council towards professional excellence; 2) to study the techniques of administration of the Lawyers Council to achieve professional excellence; and 3) to study the appropriate management guidelines to build confidence in the Lawyers Council. people This was a descriptive study by qualitative research method. using the in-depth interview question form and group discussion questions the key informants were divided into 3 groups, consisting of the first group of informants, 3 members of the Lawyers Council Executive Committee, the 2nd group of informants, 12 members of the District Lawyers Council's executive committee, the third group of informants. Lawyers in each group of 10 persons, namely, North, Northeast, Central, and South, a total of 40 persons. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The Lawyers Council's administration policy There was a problem in the operation. with differences between individual personalities inequality lack of sense of participation shortage of alternatives news distribution Determining the promotion mechanism in order to enforce the law more effectively which focuses on the development of the law; 2) The Lawyers Council's management techniques Emphasis on participatory management exchange of ideas authentication change to new practice skill development Learning new applicable laws Training for lawyers to be professional with knowledge of various changes that occur in a timely manner by giving importance to lawyers and the appropriate application of technology to work towards professional excellence in order to build confidence among the people.

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How to Cite
Ketphan, W. . (2021). LAWYERS COUNCIL FOR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 341–356. retrieved from
Research Articles


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