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Montree Sahachairungrueng
Surapol Suyaprom


This article has an objective to study the creation of intellectual human capital and the development of AI in the era of Thailand 5.0, in which intellectual human capital is related to knowledge, ability, experience, specialized skills. Creative It is important to create value for an organization no less than financial capital and assets. Therefore, the organization must focus on the creation of human capital, structural capital, and social capital. Society today is Thailand 5.0, that is, it is an era that combines the cyber world and the real world. With technology and AI as the basis for driving To create a seamless experience and a digital age where everyone has equal human dignity. Transfer and use of data are faster. Cognitive part Buddhist method of human resource development with the principle of Sikkha 3, namely, meditation and wisdom in order to live on the basis of negligence Focus on training the body, speech, mind and intelligence to be ready to perform their duties. With development that starts from the body and words to create peace Ready for the development of the mind With a strong determination and help to promote intelligence to work independently, able to enable people to develop integrated. And make human beings a balanced development in this AI is a machine with functions that have the ability to understand, learn, knowledge such as perception, learning, reasoning, problem solving. Various which must have ethics, consciousness is the conductor, is artificial intelligence Because in this digital age, just intelligence is not enough. Must be artificial intelligence To be a tool for creating world peace

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How to Cite
Sahachairungrueng, M. ., & Suyaprom, S. . (2021). CREATION OF HUMAN INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AI IN THE ERA OF THAILAND 5.0. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 251–267. retrieved from
Academic Article


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