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Sarayuth Udom
Piyawat Kongsub
Phramaha Pasoerit Sumetho


Counseling was an educational process enhancing people to know and understand themselves and the environment to be able to solve problems by themselves and develop themselves according to their potential to be a good member of society and live a happy life. Counseling was not advice but it was a tool or a process helping people who are experiencing problems that cause suffering or getting confused emotionally and mentally to understand themselves and their surroundings, enabling people to develop their potential until being able to be self-reliant, having ideas and making decisions in seeking a clear solution to a problem and a wisdom for being able to plan to eliminate the problem or suffering by themselves. Buddhist counseling approaches aimed at providing people with problems to understand suffering or problems happended to themselves to be able to solve the problem or suffering on their own. The Buddhist Counseling Approaches Based on the Intrinsic Nature of a Person enabled an effective counseling and success quickly. The Buddha taught Buddhist counseling approaches consistent and matched to the individual's intrinsic nature in terms of behaviors as the normal state of the mind expressed until it becomes accustomed as a personality affecting both fixed internal and external strengths. Each type of Buddhist counseling approaches was suitable for each individual differently, depending on the person's personality, basis of experience, environment, time, opportunity and wholesome deed that has been accumulated of each person. Buddhist counseling approaces suitable for oneself resulted in faster progress significantly.

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How to Cite
Udom, S. ., Kongsub, P. ., & Sumetho, P. P. . (2021). BUDDHIST COUNSELING APPROACHES BASED ON THE INTRINSIC NATURE OF A PERSON. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 199–216. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/253518
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