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PhraPalad Teerapat Nathasilo


Buddhism is one of the main institutions of Thai society. Most Thai people are Buddhists. And the influence of Buddhism has contributed to the traditions and culture of Thai life for a long time. With monks leading in spreading Buddhist principles and education is an important process in the propagation of Buddhism to exist until the present That education is accompanied by humans who have emerged in the world and problem solving Responsible to oneself and society Have a sense of responsibility for evil-good Are all from the influence of education. When entering the present era Technology plays a role in economic, social and political development, resulting in social change. New cultures continue to increase and Buddhism will inevitably be affected. Especially in education, still sticking to the original format. Such as organizing the education of the Dharma-Pali of the monks of the whole country at the central the curriculum was not enough to support youth interest in education. If there are more new courses There will be competition in Buddhism education. Has progressed as there is only one form of education in Buddhism in Thailand Lack of variety and lag Although giving some educational opportunities to marginalized people but it is not a study that can meet real needs. Therefore, the ecclesiastical education management should be suitable for the changing times by adhering to the Sangkhahavatthad 4 as the norm in modifying the Sangha Education system. Which is a principle for support Help each other In any form of change and amendment to the Sangha Education system, the common interests must be seen as important, For a stable and sustainable study of Buddhism in the future.

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How to Cite
Nathasilo, P. T. . (2021). REFORM OF BUDDHISM AFFAIRS IN EDUCATION USING THE PRINCIPLES SANGKHAHAWATTHU 4. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 64–77. retrieved from
Academic Article


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