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PhrakruUdesdhammasadis Achitho (Ruenruai)


Living of Thai people in every region Is a society that combines indigenous beliefs such as respect for the sacred Respect nature Fit with religious beliefs Thai people have outstanding characteristics Is a generous society Generous Help support Modern lifestyles affect the quality of life in a number of technological and economic factors, enabling people to modify their lifestyles. Buddhism has principles and explanations for common mundane problems. Buddhist principles therefore taught that human beings must accept the condition and events that arise from the world of the virtues and themselves to the eight worlds of this one will cause a desire. Efforts to make it happen without limits. And when he got it, he was often fascinated Forgetting yourself, causing negligence in things the moral aspect, on the contrary, is something that no one wishes to happen to him. Retention of personnel is an important process. Make the organization have good personnel, have the ability and expertise, reduce the rate of attendance and work. And initiate and create new works as a result, the work can proceed continuously. It creates a good image, showing that the organization provides the well-being that is warm and stable. In Buddhism, there is a principle about people to live with society, that is, the Dhamma of the world has lost fortune, has decayed rank, praises gossip, happiness and suffering. It is a principle that administrators and personnel have to emphasize on the maintenance of personnel according to the Buddhist principles.

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How to Cite
Achitho (Ruenruai), P. . (2021). THE WORLD OF DHARMA AND THE MAINTENANCE OF PERSONNEL ACCORDING TO BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(7), 50–63. retrieved from
Academic Article


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