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Kamol Noitonglek
Pollasanha Positong


This research article was mixed - method with an interviews and survey research aimed to 1) study the state of training development in the aviation field, 2) determine the training management approaches for developing the personnel airside competency, and 3) Assess suitability of the training approaches for developing the personnel airside competency. Sample size was 292 personnel airside operation authorities, 5 specialists in the aviation field participated in in - depth interview, 7 specialists in the aviation field participated in focus group, and 15 specialists in the aviation field participated in the suitability assessment of the training approaches. The tools used in the research were in - depth interviews, questionnaires, and evaluation form. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis. The results of the research found that 1) Overall, the training need for developing the personnel airside competency was at high level, the cultural development factors was at high level, and the motivation factors was at high level. 2) The training management approaches for developing the personnel airside competency could be characterized as a set of 2.1) the required competencies including motivation, airport access, inspection of the movement area and obstacle, and sweeping and cleaning for parking lots 2.2) content 2.3) purpose and 2.4) evaluation indicators for developing the personnel airside competency and, 3) the suitability of the training management approaches for developing the personnel airside competency is rated to be at highest with low variance.

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How to Cite
Noitonglek, . K. ., & Positong, P. . (2021). THE TRAINING MANAGEMENT APPROACHES FOR DEVELOPING THE PERSONELL AIRSIDE COMPETENCY IN THE AVIATION FIELD. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 8(6), 265–278. retrieved from
Research Articles


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